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And a chill ran up his back, he didn't want to do this, but Kevin talked to him, assured him, asked him to do it for Kevin, kept smiling at him and looking deeply into his eyes with those hazelbrown, halfclosed lazy eyes of his, and Barry put aside his doubts, followed his heart, did what the man he loved wanted him to do. college It wasn't so bad, afterward, but Ed had seemed to want to have sex with Barry and so had Kevin, and that made him sort of the focus instead of Kevin like he thought it would be; he was sore and tired after but Kevin didn't let him even sleep over, just took him back to the dorm at five a. m. , kissed him and told him he was a good boy.


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Well, that was enough for Barry. Bile penis on link page It wasn't so bad. college on Top page If it made Kevin happy it was OK.

college And in time, Barry came to be used to it. Ed, Mike, Greg, a procession of men, and he did what Kevin wanted him to do. college Little by little he became inured to it, and then Kevin wanted him to go with someone, alone, and he protested, but Kevin just told him it would be a good thing for him to have some experience on his own, he could come back and be better at sex for Kevin. And he cried a little then but Kevin got mad and said if Barry wouldn't do it for him, then he obviously didn't love him and he wouldn't be seeing any more of him, and Barry could not stand that possibility, could not lose his love, he would do anything for Kevin. For a while Barry couldn't eat, he was so confused, he felt very unhappy except when he was with Kevin, and it seemed as if all Kevin wanted to do was have sex and have Barry have sex with someone else, and he didn't quite realize it but he wasn't really very happy when he was with Kevin, either. computers The drugs were probably part of his confusion, it's really not wise for someone who is already quite confused to use drugs, but Kevin was using them, and Barry wanted to keep up, to be adult, heck he was an adult after all, living on his own and all. And it isn't as if he hadn't seen drugs in the dorm and on campus, and even when he was in high school, after all. Auntie Abe kept bothering Barry, asking him what was going on, he kept making it so very uncomfortable for Barry that Barry had to stop going to The Table.