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It was a gay community center. e-books online A regular bunch of members, guys, lesbians, the dedicated activists of GSA and those who just liked The Table would be there every day. From about 10 a. m.


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to 4 p. Iritatii bebelusi on link page m. e-books online on Top page , and on Tuesday nights, it was host to an everchanging cast of friendly queers, as class times and work schedules and the press of the day moved one out and another in.

e-books online It thrived too through the longer cycles of semesters and summer sessions, graduations and matriculations, as these events moved entire cadre in and out. It had started as the only place for gay students to gather back in the seventies, when successive administrations fought tooth and nail to prevent the formation of GSA or any other support for the queer and out. e-books online And a generation of straight students had learned the tradition, you don't sit at that table, it's for the queers. Society having moved on, nowadays to a second generation the same words conveyed a much more accepting attitude, "that's their place, leave it alone. " Still, there was a certain stigma. education The present crew didn't know all of it's illustrious long history, the founders had been lost in time, but they knew it was a venerable tradition. It had its moments of drama and gossip and spite and pettiness, yet it was a fun, friendly place, one of those spontaneous institutions that amplified the positive sweetness, gentility, love of its denizens, and inculcated its values into those who happened upon it if sweetness and acceptance and gentle love were what they sought. A seat at The Table was, after all, a process of selfselection.