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But he didn't think Michael was interested that way. gamble Michael was like Barry, small and full of youthful beauty, his clear grayblue eyes were particularly notable, and if you put him into a gay bar or club the flies would buzz around quickly. He was sexy, sexual, eighteen, and he too was a bright boy, though his brainpower didn't approach that of Barry, was of a different quality, he had little of Barry's ability to channel it, and he was, sad to say, quite a bit less stable. Michael wasn't really a regular at the table, not in the sense that The Table and its people drew him, not the way others like Barry were.


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The previous year, after he met Abe at one of the two gay bars in town, he started coming, but he didn't like being there, he didn't need the table. Tipsuri french on link page He wasn't even a student. gamble on Top page He needed Abe and once he had Abe he didn't want to go.

gamble He came only rarely and when he knew Abe would be there, and Abe found it difficult when Michael was there because he made it so difficult for Abe to do his important work, fulfill his duties at The Table. Michael really didn't want Abe at the table, to be honest. gamble Suddenly Michael started to come when Abe wasn't there, and he would sit next to Barry, too close for comfort, really. Barry was not an astute observer, or he would have known that Michael was mated with Abe, not merely sharing his bed. Michael was in love with Abe and he was not at all the sort to share. gambling online Michael was not going to put up with competition for Abe and had decided to take matters into his own hands. Barry was no threat to Michael, but Michael assumed every boy would be after his man. Michael didn't run on logic, Michael ran on intuition and a frenetic energy and a rootless, vacant sense of self.