HAWAII TRAVEL in our web catalog

This water, the tears of the land, gains momentum, running into channels, depressions, down the gutters of countless hills and mountainsides, gathering together drop by drop until it is a flash flood raging and sweeping everything loose into the gullies and arroyos and stream beds and down into the rivers, Eagle Creek, the San Francisco, the Gila, the Blue, and they in due course to the Rio Grande. hawaii travel Everything is swept clean; the new is swept away until all that is left is the ancient land and its living denizens, the plants and people that can cling on tightly enough to not be swept away. Newcomers don't think about floods in a place that gets ten inches of rain a year, but then they don't realize all ten inches come in just six weeks. Towns had been built too close to river banks or in restricted river valleys; some years they were all flooded out, washed away, and one entire town in the area had been moved lock, stock, and barrel ten miles to get it away from a river valley that had flooded it out ten times in fifteen years.


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This is a place where survivors learn not to oppose the forces of nature. Pastile marire on link page Often it is a hardwon lesson. hawaii travel on Top page This was a nevercivilized land, never conquered, the settlers only coexisted with nature here.

hawaii travel This magnificent, daunting land had not really changed much since the days of the Conquistadores, it was legend that Coronado himself had wandered these hills. Or rather, it had changed and changed back, and Abe's family had original Spanish land grant documents signed by His Excellency the Viceroy in Mexico City, they had been here from the first, from perhaps early in the seventeenth century, grazing cattle in the mountain pastures and trading to the Natives goods brought in from the South and growing roots deeper than the taproot of a hundred year mesquite tree. hawaii travel The ebb and flow of the land was in their blood. The family hardly noticed when the Gadsden Purchase mooted the question of whether they were now Americans, though they lost some of their land to the swindling and cheating and denial of ancient Spanish claims. But this was not sought after land in those early days, not like lands elsewhere, not like California. health insurance There were few who wanted this land and later, when it did become valuable, the family was well prepared to defend what it owned. When the governments were overlaid on the land Abe's people became the sheriffs, the judges, the mayors, the county commissioners. These formal structures were quietly subsumed into the real system, the way things really worked.