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Oh, a few acres of vegetable patch here and there, but not commercially farmed, just enough to supplement the household or sell in the 'farmer's market' every other Friday. hgh Maybe a specialty crop of marijuana for cash by those unafraid of the government helicopters and planes, but even that would probably just circulate in the local economy. This was, after all, an island. The retirees started moving in, attracted by the rugged beauty, relatively cool summers and warm winters, the quiet, the rural small town lifestyle, the cheap housing.


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Money went a long way here. Ulei de ricin preturi on link page Now the community was ranchers and retirees, both newcomers by Abe's reckoning, though one group had been here a hundred and more years before the other. hgh on Top page The last passenger railroad had stopped running in the sixties and the copper trains were gone, the lines all abandoned.

hgh The depot was still there, slowly crumbling. There was talk of making it a community center but with a population now under 3000 there was little need and less money. hgh One day out of curiosity, an adult Abe looked the town up, found a web page for the community of his youth and heritage, and clicked on the "points of interest" link. He found only two: the County Airport and the Hospital. He knew they were both closed. home business It was the sort of town where the teenaged kids hang out in the box lobby of the post office on Saturdays, so of course no one would miss a football game on Friday nights. In 1934 they'd had to go twelve miles out of town to find enough flat land for a football field, but football was about all the community entertainment there was, aside from the traditional fiestas. Abe had associated himself with the football team.