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Others might dabble; Abe was committed. home buying All in all, it was an acceptance of a sort. But life here had limitations. Abe knew there wouldn't be a life partner for him here, though there was one set of aged bachelors in town that everyone sort of agreed were a match without ever quite acknowledging the nature of the pairing.


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They had moved in with the Depression or perhaps came to mine during the Second World War, no one quite remembered they were Anglos, they didn't count for much. Unt de Cacao on link page If the community had had issues with them it was dim history. home buying on Top page It would be a different thing to try to start something like that now.

home buying And damn few choices anyway, not that Tia Linda and his mother and all his other aunts and endless cousins wouldn't be looking around on his behalf, looking for a nice fat girl to make babies and dinner for him, and no doubt looking for suitable boy with a similar inclination to discreetly fill the gaps. These were practical people, they had a sense of propriety a man needed a wife and children but they didn't fight nature, they knew better. home buying Husbands strayed, it was in a man's nature, why be picky about who they did it with as long as they brought home the beans and raised the babies? So for all his three centuries deep roots, for the fact that his father was one of the most respected men in the community, that his Tio Hermann was Alcalde not mayor nor magistrate in an official sense, but the man people went to for justice, the man who told the community what was proper Abe felt the walls of the canyons and of history and especially of family closing in around him as he reached seventeen and he knew he had soaked up the love and wisdom of centuries but needed more. A week after graduation he left for Navy boot camp. And the Navy was a good place for a gay boy looking to spread his wings and horizons. home decorating The Navy was good to Abe. He became a Medical Corpsman, a somewhat exalted position in the Navy, where there could not be enough doctors to go around, where many ships' clinics were staffed only with these highly trained men, the only medical care available for a thousand miles and six or more months at a time. It was from the corpsmen that the concept of civilian paramedics had been created.