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And his mother got angry about something, he didn't really understand what. jewelry She flew into a rage and then it was the strap but this time she just kept after him and the pain drove him crazy or maybe he himself went crazy like he always worried he would and he turned it around and the hard little stone in his middle melted to lava came out like it had years before with his brother and he exploded. He wasn't so clear what he did, he didn't think he'd hit his mother, didn't' vent his rage there, he thought he was just running, running out into the night to get away from the relentless fire of the strap on his legs and sides and back. It was cold, so cold, he didn't have his coat and it was well below freezing, and he didn't know what to do once the cold started seeping into him, making him shiver and his teeth chatter and he began to turn blue.


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So he found a phone booth and he called Dave. Ulei de smirna pur on link page Dave came as he knew he would, and took him home and then Barry was on the floor of Dave's living room, crying and sobbing, on the soft beige carpet, rolled up into a ball, using the softness of the carpet and the solidity of Dave to cancel out the pain and horror of his crazy mother. jewelry on Top page He didn't know how he had come to say it, he was weak and tired and his defenses were down and it was warm and safe and seductive on this floor and it just tumbled out; he said what he had never said to anyone.

jewelry It was about an hour after Dave picked him up and he lay on the carpet wishing he could melt into it, and the fireplace was burning, the sweet smoky hush as pine tar bubbled out of a log , popped and spat and crackled; and the fire cast dark shadows around his huddled form. But instead of melting, melting into beige, he heard himself choking, whispering, telling Dave he was a goddam queer, probably. jewelry Then Dave told him he knew, told him all about the night he had passed out drunk in Dave's bed and how Dave had finally had to get up and sleep elsewhere. And his voice was a gentle shushing and it held him and made him warm and sleepy. Barry woke when Dave put him into the big bed again; the steel muscles in his arms bulging as he lowered him, but his voice gentle and affectionate, not accusing or taunting, "Stay on your side of the bed, buddy," as he slipped into the bed himself. job search A semester later Barry had another class with Dave. PE. Dave was a coaching assistant in PE and so he was with a class of younger kids, freshmen and sophomores and right off he told Barry to move to the locker next to him.