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Dominoes falling left and right. learning center They didn't make fun of him, well they did, more than of each other he noted, but they didn't drive him away or think he was weird or put him down all the time, just sometimes and they did it to everyone sometimes, so it was a relative thing. He was relatively welcome, relatively acceptable, relatively part of something. He was becoming an observer of others, he realized, and that was different.


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He wasn't sure if it was a good way to hide, but it provided a lot of information and maybe that was a way to be safe. Ego potent on link page Tom's house reminded him of the lady who had gotten him into so much trouble when he lost his bus tickets when he was nine and she took him home and called the police and he got a strapping for that, his mom was very angry at him. learning center on Top page It was a beautiful house, everything was warm and soft and so very pretty and he was always afraid he'd somehow make it dirty.

learning center Maybe that's why Tom's mom didn't like him. So he still saw Tom and rode bikes but he didn't sleepover much after the first couple of times. learning center Of course, he never invited anyone to sleep over at his family's apartment. He was different, not crazy. One sleepover here and he'd have no friends at all. live insurance And where would they sleep? On the couch with mom? Under his bed? The paint peeled in the hallway and the neighborhood was always dirty and nothing like the place Tom lived. He could not imagine Tom sleeping on a lumpy, sagging mattress with threadbare sheets and stained pillows with a single pillowcase; on a bed that didn't even have a bedspread. He thought they were beautiful, but had thought that was just a thing they did on television but all the beds at Tom's house had them and his mother made all the beds every day! He took Dennis' bike, which he, being 17 never used anymore, and spent two entire days in the park teaching himself how to ride it, falling time and again, once crashing into a tree, once into a drinking fountain, most of the time just falling over on his side.