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Marks was he didn't have a reputation for being smart at the Junior High, and he was real clear he wasn't going to get one. marketing At first he had not understood what was going on but that was because he was coming in the middle of the semester, this year he did know what was going on, but he had learned last year that it was possible to look a lot dumber than he was, and that it was a good idea. That took work, the teachers were very seductive, they'd tempt you to answer, always. Out of boredom if nothing else.


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So he had rules to help him not fall into their traps. Pastile vimax on link page One rule was, you can never ever be the only person who knows the answer. marketing on Top page If no one else puts up a hand, keep yours down.

marketing Another is, don't answer more than two in a row, and it's best to stick with one in three questions for raising your hand. Just count, one two three questions before you raise your hand. marketing You didn't have to be stupid, that wasn't good either, but you had to be real careful to not be smart. There were exceptions if most everybody had their hand up you could do it too, for example. But you had to pay attention to be sure you weren't standing out, you needed to blend in to survive, and he was getting to be very good at blending in. meridia Not doing homework helped, actually. Because he rarely did homework except in English, where you had to write things and he could see that they didn't have tests for that, just for spelling and grammar and it never occurred to him that it counted against his grades. Hiding tests when you got them back was important too, and looking disappointed, making a bad face when you got one back was a good idea.