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When he left, it was usually the end of the day, and he would go to his locker to get his books and his jacket and then he would find himself whistling. nursing Barry wondered if there was snow. He hoped not, it would mean a cold wait for the bus, and being wet and uncomfortable when he got to school. His snow boots were OK, but he didn't have a warm enough jacket or snowsuit to wear.


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Shivering, he slipped from the warmth of his bed into the icy room, dressed only in his pajama bottoms because there were no tops, one of his brothers had lost or ruined them long before they were handed down. Gel ibd on link page He grabbed a tshirt off the floor and slipped it over his head, then started hunting for his plaid flannel robe. nursing on Top page That was the best, he got it for Christmas, one of his two gifts.

nursing He saw his brothers' beds were empty. It was Friday so Jack had left early for his community college class, it started at seven, and Tad left for work by 5:30 ever since he started the railroad job Uncle Walter got him. nursing He missed them, especially Jack. Most days they were gone when he got up and he was asleep by the time Jack got home, and usually Tad took a nap after work and didn't get up until Barry went to bed. Jack worked on the railroad and went to school, but Tad just had the railroad job. nutrition He found his robe hanging on the chair, under some of Jack's dirty clothes; and wrapped it around him, luxuriating in the soft warmth of the flannel. And he was happy, this was going to be a good day, he thought, because he was warm and dry, and so was the bed. The one little lamp in the living room held back the gloomy predawn light coming in the windows with something golden warm, and he smelled what he hoped he would.