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She was almost always mad anyway, it isn't like he needed to bring it on in one of those few minutes when it was quiet and warm. online casinos And the kitchen was the warmest place of all. "I like oatmeal, mom," he said quietly, almost to himself. Hoping it might help soften the morning somehow.


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Sometimes he thought that was his job, to soften things, round the hard edges everyone kept running into, and especially mom's hard edges. Tratarea psoriazisului on link page What he couldn't figure is why no one else cared, why the others seemed to want to sharpen the edges. online casinos on Top page His mom ignored the comment, went back to stirring the pot, and he poured a glass of milk, hearing the footsteps and voices, soon it would be crowded, he counted silently to himself , one, two, .

online casinos and when he reached four, all of the rest were there, and all the seats, even the one that was rickety and that he had to sit on at dinner, when it didn't matter who was first you had to sit in your place, were full. Being the youngest sucked, but at breakfast he could be first and sit where he wanted and it was all in his control. online casinos More bitching about the oatmeal. His sisters were not speaking to each other, that helped now but it meant Kate would pick on him later, take it out on him. Pat wouldn't do that, she didn't get the chance to, she was a Senior and above it all. online shopping Mom got over being mad and told them if they didn't like oatmeal she'd be happy not to bother feeding them at all then they shut up since they were as hungry as he was. The best thing about breakfast table was when his siblings started to leave. Pat and Jerry left first, for the high school, they both would walk, it was only three blocks down Ivanhoe Road.