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He was someplace else. distance education Barry started his freshman year of college with a course in advanced and partial differential equations, another in Fourier transforms, and the class he liked the title of "Topics in Algebra". When anyone asked what Math he was taking, unless they were math majors Barry just said "Algebra," or "college Algebra," or "the course is called Topics in Algebra. " And everyone figured it was simpleton algebra for those who were unable to handle the real thing, instead of a thirdyear course for Math majors.


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Everything he said was true. Sex-shop Bucuresti on link page Not only did Barry not want to stand out, he didn't want others to feel bad, lessened by comparison with him in any way. distance education on Top page Math had always been important to him, he had always been so bored in math classes because he instantly understood how things worked, rarely needed an explanation and then would sit for fortynine more minutes, and often for two more classes while the slowest of the slowest were carefully dragged along so they wouldn't get lost.

distance education His were all Junior or Senior level courses for Math majors. He expected to finish his degree in less than three years. distance education He had raced through the lower division courses when he was in High School, when his mathematics potential was identified and he was shunted into a special school, and a program of selfstudy, finishing the high school curriculum in twelve weeks and then they signed him up to the college math classes and he had access because University High was at a university, right there on campus. Math was important for many reasons, not least because it was a tool he had used for protecting himself since his youngest days. Even from his earliest days he was handling the pain of his life fractionally, dividing it up into smaller packets, canceling the numerators of pain with the denominators of his tiny reservoir of happy memories. distance learning Now he was working human calculus, though he hadn't called it that until recently, plumbing the limits and boundaries of people and the precise measurements of the area available for the containment of pain; fine tuning his knowledge of the variations and differentials of behavior. Here at this University he felt for the first time even though he had gone to an advanced high school a year early and finished in two years, and been surrounded by many other smart kids and befriended by one or two of the very best he felt that here his classmates for the first time were not a threat to him, and he could allow himself to show his intelligence, to raise his hand, to ask questions, to offer the answers that popped unbidden into his agile mind. He didn't have to hide his test grades, and there were hardly any who thought him strange for being smart.