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In high school being small and young and probably queer was a real problem and he had to work at protective coloration, he learned to wear large and shapeless colorless sweaters which he picked up at Goodwill, and to show the jocks for even University High had some and even the run of the mill nerds who were older and bolder and bigger than him, the appropriate deference. distance learning He had become an expert at balancing carefully, stepping carefully, avoiding all possible attention and he had succeeded in hiding there. At sixteen he looked fourteen, and it was more difficult to hide on a college campus with students four, five, ten years older than he. It took a bit for him to realize that even here were some those jealous of his abilities.


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Still, the consequences and difficulties of functioning here were so different! He had professors who invited him to see them during office hours, he was doing independent studies and got some workstudy money by working on research projects with the astronomy grad students, who were far more geeky than he! It was so heady, some days he reeled with the intensity of all the changes, all the goodness that was flowing around him. Untul de shea on link page The Table was in the Student Union, in Lonnie's Lower Level Cafe and Grill, the hamburger joint in the basement. distance learning on Top page Everyone just called it "The Table.

distance learning " The present incarnation of Lonnie's it had been moved and remodeled many times in sixty years was dark, with dim, low hanging Tiffany lamps over the center of the warm dark wooden tables, the walls lined with fake dark red brick. The floors were deep mahogany wooden strips, the booths along the walls were booths of the same dark wood. distance learning The only real brightness to the place was from the cafeteriastyle serving area off to one side and the occasional flare of smoke and flash of flame from the grill. The Table was at the far end of the room, stuffed in a corner of an alcove. So the whole place was a series of dim lights in a dark sea, passing ships in the vast reaches of a lonely dark ocean. e-books online To enter this place was to be pulled to the lights, to the ships, to safety, to the warmth of The Table. The Table had been there for over a generation, an enduring tradition passed down through the years until it had become such an accepted feature it seemed unlikely it would ever disappear despite it's completely unofficial status. It was truly a remarkable place, one of those places that will never be documented in the annals of Gay History or Gay Culture, or even the University, though it deserved it.